I've had daydreams of lavender fields since Danielle told me she loved purple.So naturally Lavender By The Bay was the perfect choice for these two love birds to spread their wings. Danielle and Harry's engagement was the perfect opportunity to skip around in sleepy lavender fields with the honey and bumble bees.
For this session I was super lucky to partner with some awesome local businesses and Stylize the session which is like a dream come true . ( Public service announcement : Ask your photographer to help you stylize, they will be honored and inspired and you might get something fresh and new!)
Danielle and Harry Just have the sweetest story , they met working for Citizens Campaign for the Environment. Danielle divulged that she has had a crush on Harry since she laid eyes on him . SHE asked him out on their first date , however he claims he was also literally just about to ask her but she beat him to the punch.
Danielle's engagement Ring is a family Heirloom, Harry called Danielle's mom on the Mother's day before proposing to ask for Danielle's hand in marriage.Mom cried (of course) and then insisted that the ring stay in the family , they worked together to have the ring resized in time for the big day! Danielle loves Woodstock NY so naturally with their love for hiking and being outdoors Harry felt the Kaaterskill Falls would make the PERFECT backdrop for his proposal. I am told though that it took awhile for Harry to work up the nerves to pop the question. " I had to go to the bathroom, and I was like ok we've been sitting here forever" Danielle recalls , just when she had enough of the scenery and was ready to make the hike back to the top she turns around to see Harry on one knee! "Will you be my adventurer for life?" he asks, and of course the rest is history.
Water Color wedding maps are the coolest new thing for weddings this year! We scored this awesome one from Bonnie Bryant Creative . You can connect with her across multiple social media platforms, from a dynamite Instagram, browse her already created items on super cute Etsy Shop or follow her Facebook . She does not disappoint and I'm constantly inspired by her eye for design. I love how she incorporated the lavender fields and the Riverhead Aquarium which is the venue that they have chosen for their big day! They love nature so much , and they took one step inside the venue and knew it would be the perfect place to celebrate their love <3
I've recently been obsessed with this polaroid trend . We could not resist but to include a quick snapshot to tide them over until their big reveal! And honestly who does not love a picture of a picture?
Seriously how perfect was this sign for this couple ? Christie Jones over at Swell Anchor Studio has us wanting everything colored varies shades of the Ocean and covered in calligraphy.She made this perfect mirror sign and engagement announcement with Danielle and Harry and their lavender dreams in mind. Her Instagram will leave you feeling salt in your hair and sand in your toes. Still can't get enough ? Check out her Facebook. Her Oceany vibes may have caused us to wander a bit off the path and head to the Ocean. When you find a couple as in love as these two you need to take a second and cool all that steaminess down in the icy cold waters. We wandered over to Wildwood State Park and listened to the storm roll in over the Ocean. We heard the rain long before it reached us.
The footless sandals have a sweet story as well. Danielle had mentioned off the cuff one day on how cute the concept of footless sandals were. Harry searched high and low to find the perfect pair for his sweetie on her birthday. So naturally she had to rock them at the beach ! Also can we just chat about how cool seaweed is ? Every time I photograph it I feel like it just brings so much to the table. Maybe I am secretly a mermaid.....we may explore that in the days to come.
We love how romantic Danielle's hair was with the braids and wispy waves styled by Nicole Piazza. Plus that contour was on fleek with makeup artistry by Alice